Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Something unusual (Part 4)

When the word playground comes into your head, most people would say that it is childish and they would think that it is an abandon place that is badly vandalized especially when it is at a remote area. Most of the time, children would hardly be found at the playground and even if children are found playing at the playground, only one or two of them would be seen playing alone, as the environment provided is usually destroyed by teenagers burning the plastic, writing nonsensical comments on the slides or even using spray paints to draw on the stairs which make a lousy place for children to be in. Parents would also not allow their children to play at the playground if the conditions are that poor as they are afraid that their children would learn the wrong thing and think that it is cool to vandalize, thus causing the population of children playing at the playground to be diminishing. However, the definition of play ground is a place for recreation and for people to enjoy and play. It would be shocking for us when we see over 20 children roaming around the play ground and enjoying the facilities provided. I was appalled too when I saw so many children at the playground, happily running about with their faces grinning from ear to ear. What an unusual and remarkable sight.I was back from school after my hockey training . On the way back home when I was in my father’s car, my father told me that the playground which was under construction previously was finally open. I had no reaction and thought that there would not be any children found playing there and that it would soon be vandalized. When we reached home, my father brought me to the nearby playground he mentioned. I was wrong and did not believe what I saw. I wipe my weary eyes to make sure that it was true. My jaws dropped and my eyes widened. It was an unbelievable sight. The playground is brand new and most importantly, I saw a bunch of over 20 children playing. I have never met those children before when I went there to have a jog previously. I cannot wait to join them and try those facilities.This is one unusual sight found at the playground and it is not possible for everyone who saw it to forget. Since then, I am seeing so many children crowding together every evening especially during the weekend.

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